Susah betul nak update blog lately. Tak sempat nak tengok laptop sebab duk setelkan bena-benda lain. Banyak benda nak settle sebelum masuk tahun baru nanti.
2018 seem to be a refreshment to our marriage. Sebelum ni kitaorang (me and my hubsy) terlampau selesa sangat dengan keadaan sekarang. Yess we too comfort with our life. And next year, everything gonna be different 'coz :
1) Our small family is expand to 4 next year. We will welcoming our new baby into this world.
2) Perhaps, my PHD journey will over by next year.
3) FL will enter to a preschool. So no more playschool. Hence, at this time, we are busy preparing her to go to big school including looking for a good kiddy and settle down fee as well (the registration fee is almost the same like university fee nowdays.... huwwaaa .. #mommycries)
Hence, above all, i do a spring scleaning of my home. A lot of things need to let go and also do makeover some of the space inside this house. Wishing that this coming 2018 will bring us more energy, happiness and more productive.
A part of all, i'm approaching my third trimester soon. My tummy is growing bigger and bigger. So, all the daily progress are quite slow as i feel very tired and i need more rest... huhuhu..
And here, i wanna share with you FL's current activity during this school holiday.
She enroll for an intensive quranic class. Every single day (from morning till evening),she is going to an islamic class except for Saturday and Sunday. At least her time is fullfill with something beneficial on this holiday. I want her to learn about alquran as early as she can and this is the time.
So, aku iron siap-siap baju dia untuk 2 minggu terus.

Aku guna iron steam Philips Perfect Aqua. Kerja menggosok memang snagat-sangat senang. Langsung tak penat. And kalau tertinggal iron atas baju pun tak risau, sebab confirm baju tak kan terbakar.
Ni baju yang dah siap digosok. Aku pakaikan dia baju kurung since baju kurung dia banyak.
Pastu aku hang kan terus siap dengan legging sekali. Nanti tak ada la susah-susah nak cari legging pagi-pagi. Tudung pulak aku beli yang tak perlu diiron. So, senang sikit kerja mumy. hehe
Dah siap baju untuk 2 minggu
Balik dari school memang comot la..
Lepas lunch, diaorang tukar baju. So, aku bekalkan dia dengan baju t-shirt jer.
So far, she really enjoy the class.
Cuma masa hari pertma tu buat drama air mata sikit, biasalah budak-budak, bukan senang nak pergi ke tempat baru.
Cuma masa hari pertma tu buat drama air mata sikit, biasalah budak-budak, bukan senang nak pergi ke tempat baru.
After all, Alhamdulillah!.
Congrats DP..
ReplyDeletealolo comel je. bagus la. dulu time kecik2 malas betul nak pegi mengaji. hehe
ReplyDeletePandai FL posing. Bagus masukkan kelas macam Tu. Syafi pun mama masukkan gak kelas ngaji DN jawi cuti sekolah ni
ReplyDeleteRajin akak iron 2 weeks terus.. hehe. senang kerja kan.
ReplyDeleteOk juga Ada program macam ni
ReplyDeleteDah lama aim ion tu..hehehehe..seronok kakak pergi kelas kan.good girl.
ReplyDeleteAlhamdulillah... Tahniah dear. FL nak dapat adik dah ☺